Weather Update - All church activities are scheduled as normal.

Special Needs

Church is for all of God's people.

First-time guests

If you are visiting our church, please head to the Welcome Center when you arrive. Our Welcome Team will connect you with someone from our Special Needs Ministry to assist you.

About our ministry

Grace has reached out to families with special needs for over 15 years. Our Special Needs Ministry has a holistic approach to care for individuals with disabilities and their families by providing spiritual, physical, and emotional care. We accomplish this through an incredibly passionate staff and core group of volunteers. Our Special Needs Ministry is dedicated to making a lasting impact upon the disability community with the message of Jesus Christ.

Our Core Values

  • People of all abilities matter to God and to us.
  • We will have an evangelistic impact on the disability community through proactive outreach.
  • We will make the gospel message of Jesus Christ accessible to people of all abilities.
  • Our goal is to equip people with disabilities and their families to become full participants and contributors in the body of Christ and their communities.
  • Everything we do for Christ will be done with excellence.

Special Needs Ministry Leaders

Don Jillson

Don has been a part of the Special Needs Leadership Team for the last few years. He coordinates Special Needs volunteers, and volunteers as a one-on-one in the ministry. He is also the principal of Grace Christian School.

Emily Kendall

Emily is a wife and mother of two. She is a teacher in an Inclusion Special Education Classroom for Prince George’s County Public Schools. Her deepest desire for Grace is that all people have access to the transforming love of Christ and the fellowship of believers who love them.

Sharon Leyden

Sharon has been the Program Director for the Prince George’s County Infants & Toddlers Program, overseeing all components of providing early intervention supports and services to families with children with special needs. Sharon joined this team to share her skills and help Grace become stronger in loving God and all people.

Jeanne Williams

Once Jeanne and her family arrived at Grace, her youngest child, Charlie, was welcomed immediately in his Sunday school class and they became involved with other families with special needs. Jeanne’s passion is to help families with special needs to feel welcomed and cared for at Grace.

Lisa Young

Lisa loves working with children. She is a Pre K Support Teacher at Chapel Forge Early Childhood Center (located just behind Grace). She also has volunteered as an AWANA leader for the past several years.