Our mission is to glorify God by making fully devoted followers of Christ who passionately love God and people.

We want the gospel to empower you to worship, make disciples, be in community, and serve.


We worship God by remembering the gospel through preaching, singing, praying, giving, and celebrating baptism and communion.

Corporate Worship

We worship together corporately by gathering for singing, prayer, and preaching of the Word during our Sunday morning worship service. We believe regular attendance to the Sunday corporate worship service is vital in fueling our hearts for worship.

Observe Ordinances

Observing ordinances such as communion and baptism is important for followers of Christ because they remind us of the finished work of Jesus on the cross. They are acts of faith and obedience that express our love and worship of God.

Giving Money and Time

Everything we have belongs to God and he has entrusted it to us to be good stewards. Giving invigorates our devotion to Jesus. Giving provides an outlet for compassion and teaches us that money is not our master. Giving is an act of worship.


The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation; we were made for relationship with God and for relationship with each other. 

Become a Member

The local church is not merely a place that we attend. But a people to whom we belong. The Bible calls us members of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) with the expectation that we contribute to the body for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Connect and Grow Together

Though each Christian has a personal relationship with God, that relationship is not private. We were made for relationship with God and with each other. A fully devoted follower of Christ is one who shares their life with other believers especially in small group settings.

A Life of One-Anothering

There are over 50 "One Another" commandments in the New Testament. Greet one another. Encourage one another. Love one another. How can you obey these commands if you are not in a community of people who you can greet, encourage, and love?

Disciple Making

Our purpose is to become disciples that multiply, equip, and empower others to be devoted disciples of Christ. 

Personal Growth

A devoted follower of Christ should be looking to grow in their faith. Bible studies, classes, and discipleship groups equip us with the knowledge and understanding of the gospel and our identity in Christ. 

Share Your Faith

We are called to share our faith with others. When we continue to allow the gospel to saturate our hearts and minds, then the good news of Jesus should naturally bubble out of us when we share our lives.

Multiply Disciples

In The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), Jesus sent out the disciples to multiply themselves. The mark of a mature Christ follower is that they have learned to multiply themselves. They have become a disciple-making disciple.


 We seek to extend God’s grace to others for His glory and not our own. We serve as an expression of love and stewardship of grace.

Volunteer in a Ministry

A fully devoted follower of Christ serves as an expression of love and as a steward of God’s grace. They serve with humility and self-forgetfulness, empowered by a passion for God’s glory.

Use Your Spiritual Gifts

God has blessed us with our own unique spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12). It is important to know your strengths and to learn how you can use your gifts to the benefit of the body and ultimately for the glory of God.

Become a Leader

Ministries need organization and leadership to be fruitful. Servant Leaders are those who have taken a step beyond serving and have created avenues for service that enable others to know and use their gifts for the glory of God