Your Dream Location

By Pastor Jamie Miller

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10

What if?

Imagine your dream location. Picture it in your mind. Maybe it’s a place you could see yourself living, relaxing, and of course serving God. Thanks to “Hawaii Life” on HGTV, I could see myself in an environment with a constant temperature, breeze, and beautiful views. I could see myself serving the Lord and loving people in a laid back environment like that. But,

God doesn’t have me in Hawaii. He has me here. Should that make me sad or disappointed? Certainly not. I trust God. I trust He is in control, all knowing, loves me, and has a clear plan for my life. His plan, as far as I know right now, does not include Hawaii, but instead Bowie. God has me here, which makes this the best place for me. If the plan was only to provide for my selfish desires, I’d go where I would think I would feel the most comfortable. It’s not about my comfort, but instead my opportunity to bring glory to God as I live and follow Him.  

“11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.” ~ 1 John 4:11-12

We are called to love one another, which according to Philippians 2 means you need to actively look for opportunities to do what is most loving for others. God has you here to love unconditionally those around you. Do not confuse the unknown as being a generic plan. Trust God has a specific plan for you and that includes those whom He considers to be your “neighbors”. They have been placed in your life and you into their life. Your responsibility is to love them.

Your family, neighbors, coworkers, and the rest of your community need to know the love of God. That love is manifested in you and perfected as you allow His love to flow through you to those around you. God has called you to actively and intentionally love where you live. Instead of thinking, “What if I lived in _______________”, ask yourself, “What if I intentionally loved the people here with the same unconditional love that God pours in me?” The combination of you + God’s plan + God being in it = Amazing Fruit. Stop daydreaming about greener pastures and start flourishing where God has planted you.