Grace Gives Door to Door 30 For 30

Pastor Brady Wolcott

What is Grace Gives?

Grace Gives is our church’s biggest outreach event of the year. During Grace Gives we want to saturate our community with the gospel through serving and sharing the word of Christ. We do this through several events including car washes, block parties, VBS, and a door to door campaign.

What is Door to Door?

In door to door we seek to have a personal interaction with as many of our neighbors as we can. Door to door is an opportunity to introduce the community to Grace, invite them to the events of Grace Gives, and to collect food for the Bowie Food Pantry. As opportunity arises we also seek to share the gospel with others. Each year we have sought to reach specific sections of our city. This year we will be serving in the “S” and “F” sections of Bowie.

How will door to door be different this year?

In the past we have done door to door ministry during the week of Grace Gives. But one difficulty this presents is that we are inviting people to events that are over or ending soon. For example, door to door on Wednesday would not be able to invite a family to the full week of VBS or Sports Camp. Or they may have already missed out on the block party, etc.

Therefore, we want to do door to door this year Thursday, June 21- Sunday, June 24. This will allow us to use door to door to move people toward the events of Grace Gives more effectively, while still sharing the gospel and collecting for the food pantry.

What is 30 For 30?

In the past our door to door ministry has struggled to gain the volunteers needed to effectively reach our community. Often just 4-5 volunteers would serve for 3 hours at a time. So this year we want to push for more volunteers for a shorter period of time. And so we are calling for “30 for 30.”

30 Volunteers for 30 minutes.

We are looking for at least 30 church members to come out for 30 minutes of training and then 30 minutes of door to door ministry in the community (60 minutes total) during each of the four designated time slots. We are asking every church member to consider signing up for at least one of the four timeslots.

We will meet at the church for 30 minutes of orientation and quick training and then we will send volunteers out in groups of at least 2 to introduce themselves and the church to our neighbors in the “S” and “F” sections. We will use invitation cards to invite people to the events of Grace Gives, distribute food pantry collection bags, and pray for gospel opportunities along the way.

I believe that door to door ministry can be a faith building endeavor that can challenge us as a church to trust God in new and unique ways. I also believe that we can accomplish more in 30 minutes with 30 volunteers than we did with just a few volunteers for a few hours.

So will you join us in loving where we live, engaging our community, and sharing the good news of Jesus? Are you one of 30 that can give 30 minutes in this team effort to reach our city this Summer?

Here’s the schedule:

Wednesday, June 20 7-8 pm. Meet at church to put together the door to door bags.

Thursday, June 21 7-8 pm. Meet at church for training and then go out for door to door.

Friday, June 22 7-8 pm. Meet at church for training and then go out for door to door.

Saturday, June 23 10-11 am. Meet at church for training and then go out for door to door.

Sunday, June 24 1:30-2:30 pm. Meet at church for training and then go out for door to door.

Let us know what days you can help through our 30 for 30 Facebook Event or through this form.