Christ Our Mighty God

By Pastor Mark

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Yesterday we talked about the context surrounding this amazing prophecy of Isaiah. In the midst of political threats externally and spiritual idolatry internally, Isaiah foretells a time when a chosen one will rise up and make everything right. The irony is that he describes this chosen one as a child! And yet this child will reign over his eternal kingdom with “justice and righteousness” (Isaiah 9:7). In other words, he will be a perfect king and will reign over a glorious kingdom.

We know this prophecy is referring to Jesus. All four of these titles help us understand the character and work of Jesus Christ. Not only is he Wonderful Counselor, he is Mighty God.

We Need a Mighty God

We need a mighty God because sin weakens and cripples us. We may not all struggle with the same thing, but we all sin. Cutting words, envy, anger, lust, unforgiveness. The list could go on. We need a mighty God because more than anything we need to be rescued from ourselves.

We need a God who is powerful enough to endure temptation but reject sin. We need a God who can crush our sin without crushing us. We need a God who is powerful enough to take our penalty for sin on the cross, powerful enough to endure rejection from the Father, and powerful enough to rise from the dead to show that sin and death are no match for the King of Kings. We have all this and more in Jesus. In our weakness, power has come.

Have you trusted in Jesus the Mighty God to forgive your sin and adopt you into his forever family?

Nothing is Impossible

Not only is Jesus our Mighty God in saving us, but in every circumstance of or lives. Remember what the angel Gabriel told Mary, “For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 2:37). Jesus demonstrated his divine power through his ministry of miracles and healing. And when Jesus was about to ascend into heaven, he proclaimed “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18).

Jesus is our Mighty God right now. He has all power and authority. No matter what you are going through today, you can have hope because nothing is impossible with God. If you feel powerless, take heart, that through Christ you are indwelt with One who has resurrection power. If there is a situation that you cannot find a way through, keep relying on a God who was would rather die than live without you. If you are facing an obstacle that is literally impossible, keep trusting in a God who defies the impossible.

He may not give you what you want (just as Mary and Joseph), but he will give you what you need for your eternal joy and for his eternal glory.

Will you keep trusting in Jesus our Mighty God today?