An Invitation to our Missions Conference

By Pastor Mark Tanious

Every two years, our church hosts a Missions Conference. This is a unique opportunity for us to invite missionaries to share the incredible work God is doing around the world. As a church, we invest nearly a quarter of our overall budget to the global advance of the gospel. In terms of total dollars, we gave over $689,000 dollars to missions last year. We partner with eight organizations and thirty-five missionaries in every part of the world. In other words, global missions is a big deal to our church.

But here’s the real question: Is global missions a big deal to you?

Do you care about what God is doing in Argentina or Japan or Romania, or Norfolk? I am not trying to guilt you. I simply want you to make this personal. We are called to be witnesses for Jesus to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). We have been commissioned to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). This is the heart of the church’s mission. That’s why global missions is a big deal to us corporately—and why it should be a big deal to you.

The men and women we have invited to speak this weekend at Grace are making disciples all over the world. They are sharing the gospel of grace in places that we have never been. Jesus is being proclaimed among people who have never heard. Our missionaries are seeing the Spirit of God use the Word of God to bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Having spent some time with several of the missionaries already, I can tell you our investment is bearing fruit all around the world—from cities just a few hours away to cities on the other side of the world. It is humbling and exciting to be a part God’s global advance.

Can I just appeal to you, my church family: be present this weekend. I know there are lots of events and activities scheduled. We are not expecting you to go to every event. But, we do want you to demonstrate an eagerness to support those who have given their lives to share the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. This is part of what it means to be the body of Christ at Grace. Showing up can sometimes be the most spiritual, God-honoring thing you do.

I love you church. And it is out of that love that invite you to make God’s priorities your priorities.

Who knows, maybe God will speak to your heart this weekend and you will be burdened to pray regularly for a missionary. Maybe you will sense a greater desire to give generously to support global missions. Or maybe the love of Christ will compel you to sell everything and go to a place that desperately needs a gospel witness. Who knows. But, if you are not there, you’ll never know how God might want to speak to you this weekend.

Below is the schedule for the weekend. Show up and see what God will do.

Friday, Sept. 27
7-9pm Missionary Meet & Greet. GBC Main Campus

Saturday, Sept. 28
11am Men and Women’s Lunch. Men at GBC Gym. Women at Jireh Place
5-6pm Evening Service.

Sunday, Sept. 29
9am Missionary Speakers
5-6pm Evening Service