• When you look at the life of Jesus, it is abundantly clear that he lived to serve others. He often sacrificed his own needs (rest, food, comfort, safety) to meet the needs of others. The question we must wrestle with is why did he do that? What would motivate him to put the needs of others above his own? I believe the answer is love.

  • Jesus is moving closer to Jerusalem and will soon enter into what we call Passion Week. In Mark 10:32-52, Jesus will give his most detailed description of his passion yet, he will once again teach us what true greatness is, and he will perform the last healing miracle in Mark’s gospel- healing blind Bartimaeus.

  • As we prepare to gather for worship this weekend, I would like to give you these helpful words from Christian Philosopher and Theologian James K. A. Smith: “The church’s worship is the heart of discipleship. Yes, Christian formation is a life-encompassing, Monday through Saturday, week in and week out project; but it radiates from, and is nourished by, the worship life of the congregation.”

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