4 Reasons Why You Should Serve in VBS

By Lila Fraser - Children's Ministry Asistant

There are so many opportunities to serve during Grace Gives week. Why would you want to serve all morning every morning with loud, crazy, energetic kids who just got out of school and may not want to be back in a  “school” setting?

My name is Lila Fraser, Children’s Ministry Assistant here at Grace Baptist Church and I’d like to tell you why I think serving in VBS is a wonderful opportunity for YOU!

1. VBS is a short concentrated ministry that can have HUGE, long-lasting results. I may be a little biased on this reason, but my own testimony of my walk with Christ began at VBS when I was 7 years old. I was raised in a Christian home and had been in church my entire life, multiple times a week, but it was during VBS, specifically during a puppet show presentation, that I first understood I could never be “good enough” to save myself. I finally understood what Christ did for me through his death, burial, and resurrection and I burst into tears! My mom was working in VBS and I was able to pray with her right there to confess my sins and receive Christ as Savior.

By serving in VBS you may be the one who shares the Gospel with someone for the first time, or you may be the one who has shared it for the hundredth time, yet it’s the first time the child “gets” it and they are open to receiving Christ. Both are so important! 

A short term ministry like VBS is also a chance for you to serve in a way that maybe you haven’t before which may lead to further ministry with children in the future, if God calls you to do so.

2. VBS is an intentional opportunity to share the gospel with our community. Many of the children that attend our VBS are not from our church. Building relationships with the children AND with their parents is a great way to show the love of Christ and also share the truth of God’s Word.

This year our theme is “In the Wild: Amazing Encounters with Jesus” and our theme verse is John 20:31 “but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” We want to share the stories written for us in God’s word so others may believe and have eternal life.

3. Working in VBS is a great way to get to know fellow church members. Spending every morning for 5 days straight with the same people helps you form new friendships and helps create bonds within our church family. I was new to Maryland in 2016, when I first served in VBS here at Grace and I met one of my best friends that week. Serving together builds memories and allows us all to use our strengths to come alongside where someone else may be weak. 

4. The last reason is simple – we NEED you!!! There are lots of areas to serve – teaching, helping, food, music, skits, crafts, decorating, etc. It takes MANY hands to make this week go smoothly when hundreds of kids come in the doors each day. Come join the fun “In the Wild” and have an “Amazing Encounter with Jesus”!

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